This page lists upcoming one-off community events and special services. For details of our regular services, please click here. In addition to the events listed below, St Paul's hosts a popular Babies & Toddlers group and Friendship Group every Thursday during term-time. Please click on the images below to find out more!
Knit & Natter, Crochet & Chatter
Next dates: Thursday 9th January, 23rd January, 20th February, 6th March, 20th March
Everyone is welcome at our knitting and crochet group at St Paul's Church Hall, regardless of age or experience - you might be a complete beginner, experienced, or anything in between!
Come and enjoy making friends and being part of a community of like-minded people.
Tea, coffee and cake will be served. There is no charge to take part, though donations are welcomed.
Sat 4th Jan, 10am-12.30pm
Gardening Team
Everyone is welcome to join us for our monthly Gardening Team get-together, normally on the first Saturday of the month!
Our beautiful gardens are a much-loved and well-used community resource. Come and enjoy helpingus keep them in the best possible shape for the benefit of all those who live around us.
No tools or experience are required!
Mon 6th Jan, 7.30-9pm
Resolve Course
Resolve is a four-week course designed to reflect on how we make and keep our New Year resolutions by examining how we look after our bodies, strengthen our minds, inspire our souls and deepen our relationships.
There is no charge for these sessions, and light refreshments will be served. For more information, please see our dedicated Resolve page.
Fri 10th Jan, 12-2.30pm
Super Soup Lunch
During the winter months we are delighted to offer a monthly soup lunch at the back of the church at St Paul's, on the second Friday of the month.
Join us for delicious home-made soup with crusty bread, and enjoy a warm, relaxing space, friendly company and conversation, and perhaps a chance to challenge yourself with a table quiz!
There is no charge, though donations are welcome.
Mon 13th Jan, 7.30-9pm
Resolve Course
Resolve is a four-week course designed to reflect on how we make and keep our New Year resolutions by examining how we look after our bodies, strengthen our minds, inspire our souls and deepen our relationships.
There is no charge for these sessions, and light refreshments will be served. For more information, please see our dedicated Resolve page.
Mon 20th Jan, 7.30-9pm
Resolve Course
Resolve is a four-week course designed to reflect on how we make and keep our New Year resolutions by examining how we look after our bodies, strengthen our minds, inspire our souls and deepen our relationships.
There is no charge for these sessions, and light refreshments will be served. For more information, please see our dedicated Resolve page.
Sat 25th Jan, 9.30-11.30am
Connect Café
Join us for our popular monthly community café in the Church Hall!
Enjoy good coffee, good company, bacon butties, toast and marmalade, book exchange, children's toys and activities!
​No charge, but donations are welcome.
Mon 27th Jan, 7.30-9pm
Resolve Course
Resolve is a four-week course designed to reflect on how we make and keep our New Year resolutions by examining how we look after our bodies, strengthen our minds, inspire our souls and deepen our relationships.
There is no charge for these sessions, and light refreshments will be served. For more information, please see our dedicated Resolve page.
Sat 1st Feb, 10am-12.30pm
Gardening Team
Everyone is welcome to join us for our monthly Gardening Team meeting!
Our beautiful gardens are a much-loved and well-used community resource. Come and enjoy helpingus keep them in the best possible shape for the benefit of all those who live around us.
No tools or experience are required!
Not meeting on Thu 6th Feb
Knit & Natter, Crochet & Chatter
Everyone is welcome at our monthly knitting and crochet group at St Paul's Church Hall, regardless of age or experience - you might be a complete beginner, experienced, or anything in between!
Come and enjoy making friends and being part of a community of like-minded people.
Tea, coffee and cake will be served. There is no charge to take part, though donations are welcomed.
Fri 14th Feb, 12-2.30pm
Super Soup Lunch
During the winter months we are delighted to offer a monthly soup lunch at the back of the church at St Paul's.
Join us for delicious home-made soup with crusty bread, and enjoy a warm, relaxing space, friendly company and conversation, and perhaps a chance to challenge yourself with a table quiz!
There is no charge, though donations are welcome.
Sat 22st Feb, 9.30am-11.30pm
Connect Café
Join us for our popular monthly community café in the Church Hall!
Enjoy good coffee, good company, bacon butties, toast and marmalade, book exchange, children's toys and activities!
​No charge, but donations are welcome.
Sat 1st Mar, 10am-12.30pm
Gardening Team
Everyone is welcome to join us for our monthly Gardening Team meeting!
Our beautiful gardens are a much-loved and well-used community resource. Come and enjoy helpingus keep them in the best possible shape for the benefit of all those who live around us.
No tools or experience are required!
Thu 6th Mar, 6.30-8pm
Knit & Natter, Crochet & Chatter
Everyone is welcome at our monthly knitting and crochet group at St Paul's Church Hall, regardless of age or experience - you might be a complete beginner, experienced, or anything in between!
Come and enjoy making friends and being part of a community of like-minded people.
Tea, coffee and cake will be served. There is no charge to take part, though donations are welcomed.