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Get involved

​Members of St Pauls are encouraged to be actively involved in the wide range of activities that make up our church life. A number of teams — some formally reporting to the PCC, and some more informal — provide a focus for those wishing to contribute in this way.


​​The panels below outline the responsibilities of each team. If you are interesting in joining a team, please speak to the Church Wardens or email  

Audio-Visual Team

The AV team supports the ministry at St Paul’s by ensuring that our services can be seen and heard clearly in church and online. Team members operate the mics from the sound desk, display the slides and videos on the screens in church, and record and livestream video on our YouTube channel. No experience is needed, however an interest in technology and the ability to concentrate and problem solve is essential. Step by step instructions and full training are provided.

Buildings Team

The Buildings Team is responsible for planning and providing for the future needs of the parish in terms of buildings, grounds, and facilities. This team also has responsibility for significant maintenance projects including the Quinquennial Inspection. Day to day responsibility for maintenance of the buildings and grounds sits with the Church Wardens. 

View of the nave of the church looking torwards the West window.
Children seated on the floor in front of the Vicar at an All Age service.
Children & Youth Team

This team is responsible for the oversight of our children’s and youth provision. In practical terms, this means supporting the volunteers who lead and teach the children and young people’s Sunday groups, as well as considering how this crucial area of church life can be better resourced, that it might continue to grow and flourish

Climate & Ecology Team

This team is responsible for ensuring ecological concerns remain firmly on the agenda at St Paul’s, in keeping with the promises made in the PCC declaration in 2020.  The work of this team will range from the practical – working to reduce the carbon footprint of the church building and associated use; to the big picture – working with other community groups in the area to consider what can e done to limit the global harm caused by the present climate crisis.

A hand holding an iPhone.
Communications Team

The Communications Team has oversight of the various channels of communication we use at St Paul’s, both in contacting the immediate church family, but also in sharing news and events with the wider parish and beyond. This team ensures we are keeping the website up to date, making good use of social media, and have effective measures in place to stay in touch with those who are not online.

Connect @ St Paul's Team

The Connect team is responsible for planning and running our programme of 'Connect' events with and for the local community, for the benefit of people of all faiths and none. These include a monthly community café and litter pick, soup lunches, concerts, community activity weekends, and carol singing. Alongside these, the team also plans events that are of interest to those who might wish to discover or develop a Christian life journey.

Stacks of pound coins.
Finance Team

The Finance Team is team is responsible for all matters relating to finance, stewardship and giving at St Paul’s. This involves drafting the annual budget for the approval of the PCC, and working with the Vicar to make sure financial news and concerns are communicated regularly and transparently with the wider fellowship.

Gardening Team

Church members and local community members are welcome to get involved in the Gardening Team, which meets on the first Saturday of the month. No tools or experience are required!  Come and enjoy keeping our gardens spick and span for local community use.

A black and white image of a hand holding an old-fashioned compass.
Mission Partners Team

This team has responsibility for our developing relationships with our mission partners, both in the UK and overseas, and with the organisations they are connected to.  This team supports our partners through regular correspondence and prayer, and ensures that any updates, either from our partners or their respective organisations, are shared with the wider fellowship.  This team is also involved in suggesting new partners to the PCC as and when a link with an existing partner comes to a natural close.

Prayer Ministry Team

For more information on this team, please visit our Prayer Ministry page.

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