​Next SErvices
​​​​​​​​Wednesday 11th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Thursday 12th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Friday 13th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Sunday 15th December
8.00am: Morning Prayer (BCP)
10.30am: Holy Communion
With Rev'd Clive Grinham and Rev'd Rachel Winn
Theme: Joy
Readings: Revelation 21: 1-5 and John 15: 7-11​
Wednesday 18th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Thursday 19th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Friday 20th December
9:00 - 9:30am: Special Advent Morning Prayer in the Chapel
Sunday 22nd December
8.00am: Holy Communion (BCP)
With Rev'd Rachel Winn
​10.30am: Dress-Up Nativity
With Alison Charlesworth and Rev'd Rachel Winn
6.00pm: Community Carols around the outdoor Christmas Tree, followed by mince pies and mulled wine
7:15pm Carol Service
With Rev'd Rachel Winn and David Charlesworth​
Sunday Worship
8am: Holy Communion (BCP) or Morning Prayer (BCP)
10.30am: Holy Communion or Morning Worship
Our 10.30 service includes activities for children during term time, and appears as both a live stream and a recording on our YouTube channel for those who wish to participate from home.
Please stay behind after the 10.30 service for tea, coffee, and fellowship.
All are welcome to join us for a quiet time of Morning Prayer in the Chapel from 9am - 9.30am on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, as we start day with prayers for the Parish, using the Church of England's Common Worship book.